Monday, May 14, 2007

La Conferencia de Pastores. The Pastors´ Conference

Pasamos un fin de semana muy lindo. Llegaron algunos de Cañete y de Santa Rosa De Villa para asistir a la conferencia de pastores y fue lindo pasar mas tiempo con ellos. Todas las predicas fueron muy edificantes en la conferencia y Bryan Newberry de Calvary Chapel San Diego predicó en Koinonia Surco en la mañana. Gracias a Dios estamos viendo su obra realizada en la iglesia.

Dios mediante, mañana estaré viajando a los Andes para pasar dos días de descanso y oración con la familia y con Ken y Mary Taylor que están aquí de visita de Calvary Chapel Orlando Florida. Mary está apoyando a Betty muchísimo con la enseñanza de mis hijos y Ken está haciendo carpintería en la iglesia. Ha hecho camas, bancas, repisas, etc. Estará regresando a su país el viernes en la mañana.

We had a great weekend. Some of the people from Cañete and Santa Rosa de Villa came so they could attend the pastors’ conference and it was really nice to spend some time with them. All of the teachings in the conference were very edifying and Bryan Newberry, from Calvary Chapel San Diego preached at Koinonia Surco on Sunday morning.

God willing I’ll be traveling to the Andes to take a few days to pray and rest. I’ll be going with the family and with Ken and Mary Taylor. They’re here visiting from Calvary Chapel Orlando Florida. Mary has been helping Betty with the home schooling and Ken has been doing carpentry work in the church. He’s made beds, benches, shelves, etc. They’ll be going home on Friday morning.


Anonymous said...

That is really a blessing!!! Hope you have a great time in the Lord up in the Andes. Be safe

Anonymous said...


Thanks. We just got back and God willing, I'll be posting a few pictures in the next few days.
God bless you.

Making disciples in Peru,

Brian Vander Kodde