Thursday, September 28, 2006

Pensando en Hechos 1:11 Thinking about Acts 1:11

“Este mismo Jesús, que ha sido tomado de vosotros al cielo...” Hechos 1:11

¡Jesús se ha ido al cielo, Jesús se ha ido! ¡Jesús se ha ido! Suena como si fuera una campana de fúnebre. ¡Jesús ha sido llevado al cielo! Esto suena como un repique de matrimonio. Ēl, se ha ido, pero ha ido a los cerros desde donde puede inspeccionar la batalla; al trono desde donde nos puede enviar socorro. Los reservas del ejército del omnipotente estaban de pie esperando hasta que viniera su Capitán, y ahora que ha llegado al centro del universo, puede mandar legiones de ángeles o puede levantar una gran cantidad de hombres para apoyar a Su causa. Veo toda razón por descender al mundo y ponernos a trabajar porque Ēl ha ascendido al cielo

Carlos Spurgeon

"This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven..." Acts 1:11

Jesus has gone into heaven. Jesus is gone! Jesus is gone! It sounds like a knell. Jesus is taken up from you into heaven!—that sounds like a marriage peal. He is gone, but he is gone up to the hills whence he can survey the battle; up to the throne, from which he can send us succour. The reserve forces of the omnipotent stood waiting till their Captain came, and now that he is come into the centre of the universe, he can send legions of angels, or he can raise up hosts of men for the help of his cause. I see every reason for going down into the world and getting to work, for he is gone up into heaven and "all power is given unto him in heaven and in earth." Is not that a good argument—"Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"?

Charles Spurgeon


Matt said...

Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"?

Yeah Something i have lost sight of the last few weeks. I love reading your blogs. I am encouraged everytime. I hope and pray you all are doing well. I haven't been in touch with jimmy and americo. Send them my love and I am praying for them. I hope to see you guys soon.

Be Blessed

Anonymous said...

Me too.
Be blessed as well

Financial Support said...

Thanks guys,

I appreciate the encouragement. I'm always blessed by Spurgeon and the old timers. Have a great weekend.
