Monday, April 17, 2006

Recordando Nehemías Remembering Nehemiah

El sábado fue un día bonito porque hicimos la primera parte de la mudanza del antiguo local al nuevo. Comenzamos a las 8:30 a.m. y terminamos a un poco antes de las 12:00. Mientras que algunos cargaban las cosas grandes y pesadas otros seguían con la pintura y otros arreglos. Fue mostro ver a todos trabajando juntos. En la tarde los músicos hicieron su ensayo y luego fuimos a Villa Maria para ministrar a la gente como hacemos todos los sábados. Gracias Señor por darnos el permiso de nuevo.
A pesar del gozo y el hecho que estamos avanzando poco a poco he visto que algunos están muy cansados. Me hace recordar de Nehemías. Cuando construyeron el muro hasta la mitad comenzó el desanimo. Ayúdanos Señor. Necesitamos tu fuerza, tu gozo y tu paz. Tráenos tu unidad. Ayúdame Señor como líder porque quiero animar y no desanimar.

Saturday was a nice day because we did the first part of the move from the old building in Surco to the new one. We began at 8:30 a.m. and we finished a little before noon. While some people carried and moved the big and heavy things others continued with the painting and other things. It was great to see everyone working together. The musicians did their rehearsal in the afternoon and then we went to Villa Maria in the evening. We ministered to the people there as always. Thanks Lord for giving us permission to continue there.
Even though the Lord has given us a lot of joy and we are advancing little by little I´ve seen that some are getting really tired. It reminds me of Nehemiah. When they had the wall built halfway the discouragement started. Help us Lord. We need your strength, your joy and you peace. Bring us your unity. Help me as a leader because I want to be an encouragement and not a discouragement.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there to help at least cleaning. You all are doing a Great job and the Lord will reward your faithfull work in a special way. Michael

Anonymous said...


God bless you brother... We'll save some dirt for you to clean up whenever you come so you can feel part of things!
Thanks for your encouragement.

Making disciples in Peru,
