Wednesday, February 08, 2006

1 Pedro 1:15-16 1 Peter 1:15-16

1Pedro 1:15-16
Sino, como aquel que os llamo es santo, sed también vosotros tanto en toda vuestra manera de vivir.
Porque escrito esta: Sed santos como yo soy santo.

Nuestro Dios es santo. Ser santo significa ser puro por sobre todas las cosas, significa que es completo. Nuestro Dios no tiene ninguna necesidad ni tampoco necesita de persona alguna. Como cristianos debemos de vivir vidas puras delante de Dios, dependiendo totalmente de El. Cuando vivimos vidas santas vivimos como libres; confiados en Dios para nuestras finanzas, para nuestro futuro, sabiendo que Dios nos ha perdonado por todo nuestro pasado. Somos capaces de amar con pureza sin esperar nada a cambio. Somos capaces de descansar en el Señor sabiendo que tenemos paz en nuestra alma.

Dios nos llamó, y esto ya lo hemos dicho muchas veces. No nos llamó a vivir como el mundo, el tiene un propósito para nosotros. Debemos ser santos. Muchas veces he dicho que un hombre de Dios es aquel que puede decir la verdad en amor. Un hombre de Dios es capaz de tomar decisiones impopulares porque el es santo y completo en el Señor. No teme lo que otros piensen o hagan, su vida está segura en El. Como pueblo santo de Dios debemos de hablar honestamente y vivir vidas transparentes, vidas íntegras en un mundo lleno de falencias y depravaciones.
Señor, ayúdanos a depender hoy de ti, danos tu fortaleza e integridad, necesitamos de tu coraje para tomar hoy las decisiones correctas.

1 Peter 1:15-16
15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct,
16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”[1]

Our God is a Holy God. To be holy means to be pure and above everything. It means to be complete. Our God is not lacking anything and is not dependent on anyone. As Christians we must live lives that are pure before the Lord. We are to depend totally on Him. When we live holy lives we live as free people. We trust the Lord for our finances. We trust the Lord for our future knowing that He has already forgiven our past. We are able to love with purity not expecting something in return. We are able to rest in the Lord knowing that all is well with our soul.


God has called us. We have mentioned it a number of times already. He has not called us to live like the world. He has a special purpose for us. We are to be holy. I have often said that a godly person is a person that is able to speak the truth in love. A godly person is able to make difficult or unpopular decisions because he is holy. He is complete in the Lord. He doesn’t fear what others will think or do. His life is safe in the Lord. As holy people we will speak honestly and live lives that are transparent, lives of integrity in the midst of a fallen and depraved world. Lord, help us to depend on you today. Give us your strength and integrity. We need you courage to make the correct decisions today.

[1]The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.

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