Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Escuchamos noticias desde Perú diciendo que el festival de niños en Surco fue muy bueno. Llegaron niños nuevos y unos niños que no hemos visto hace mucho tiempo. Gracias a todos los que colaboraron. Gracias a los que oraron por todo también.

Estamos pidiendo oración por el papá de Brian. Sufrió un derrame cerebral ayer. Gracias al Señor, Brian estaba con él y pudo acompañarlo al hospital junto con su mamá también. Hoy día han detectado que su papá tiene un coágulo de sangre en el cerebro y está con ciertas complicaciones.

We received news from Peru stating that the children’s festival in Surco was really good. Some new children went along with some children that we haven’t seen in a long time. Thanks to everyone that participated and helped. Thanks to those of you that prayed too.

We’re asking for prayer for Brian’s dad. He had a stroke yesterday. Thanks to the Lord Brian was with him at the time and was able to accompany him to the hospital along with his mother. The doctors detected a blood clot in the brain today and his father is dealing with some complications.


Anonymous said...

Partor Bryan:
How is you dad doing? Has he improved???

Anonymous said...


Thanks for writing. My dad is stable but has some problems with some complications and the doctors are doing tests to look for the cause. Keep praying for him. I'll be going to visit him this afternoon.
