Thursday, November 16, 2006

Una Iglesia Amable A Kind Church

“compartiendo para las necesidades de los santos; practicando la hospitalidad.” Romanos 12:13

Anoche visitamos una iglesia donde compartimos acerca del ministerio en El Perú y compartí un poco de la palabra de Dios. Nunca habíamos visitado esta iglesia antes. Llegamos temprano y fue impresionante lo que experimentamos. El grupo de alabanza estaba ensayando y el bajista nos saludó desde la plataforma. El sonista nos saludó también. Luego llegaron dos señoras. Nos saludaron en una manera muy genuina. Ya tienen la idea. Es una iglesia muy atenta y amable. Yo invitaría a cualquier persona a esta iglesia porque sé que la gente muestra el amor de Cristo. Por su hospitalidad estabamos con muchas ganas de escuchar lo que iba a pasar en el culto.

El versículo que he puesto arriba es importante. Es de la palabra de Dios. Es un mandamiento de Dios. Es interesante porque muchas personas son personas hospitalarias con gente conocida pero aquí vemos que la palabra hospitalidad es la palabra philoxenia en griego. La palabra philoxenia viene de dos palabras. La palabra philo que quiere decir amor o amable y la palabra xenos. La palabra xenos quiere decir un desconocido. Vemos, entonces que la palabra hospitalidad en Romanos 12 no se refiere a ser amable con los conocidos, sino con los desconocidos.

Cuando una persona nueva llega a la iglesia ya sabemos que es natural para la persona sentirse un poco extraña. Tal vez no conoce a nadie y no sabe que esperar. En un ratito podemos hacerla sentir muy cómoda y lista a recibir lo que él Señor tiene preparado.

“distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.” Romans 12:13

We went to visit a church last night where we shared about the ministry in Peru and I shared a little from God’s word as well. We had never visited the church before. We arrived early and we were really impressed by what we experienced. The worship team was still rehearsing but as we entered the bass player waved hello to us from the stage and then the sound man said hello to us too. Afterwards, two women arrived and promptly said hello to us as well. They did it with such sincerity. You’ve already got the idea. We visited a church that is very attentive and kind. I would invite anyone to visit that church any time because I know that the people show the love of Christ. Due to their hospitality we were so excited to see what the service would be like.

The verse that I have put above is important. It’s God’s word. It’s a commandment from our Lord. Many people are hospitable with people that they know but we see that the word hospitality in this verse is the word philoxenia in Greek. It comes from two words. The first word is philo which means loving. The second word is the word xenos which means a stranger. We see then, that the word hospitality in Romans 12 doesn’t refer to being kind to people we already know. It’s talking about being kind to strangers.

When a new person gets to church we already know that it’s natural for them to feel a little uncomfortable. Maybe they don’t know anyone and aren’t sure of what to expect. In just a moment we can help them to feel very comfortable and ready to receive what the Lord has prepared.

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