Monday, November 05, 2007

Noticias. News

Gracias a unas ofrendas que hemos recibido los hombres han vuelto a construir en Santa Rosa de Villa. Van a trabajar varios días. Oren por ellos y su seguridad. Oren para que puedan avanzar rápido también.

Hablé con Angie por teléfono ayer. Se encuentra en la ciudad de Bombay porque está apoyando al ministerio en una conferencia. A la vez está preparando unos estudios bíblicos para las damas y los niños. Durante de esta semana estará visitando a los otros ministerios que tiene Impact en la ciudad. No se olviden de orar por ella también.

Thanks to some offerings we've received the men have returned to build some more in Santa Rosa de Villa. They'll be working several days this week. Pray for them and their safety. Pray that they'll be able to advance quickly too.

I spoke with Angie by telephone yesterday. She's in Bombay because she's helping out with a conference that the ministry is having this week. She will also be preparing Bible studies for the ladies and the children. This week she'll be visiting the different ministries that Impact has in the city as well. Don't forget to pray for her.


Unknown said...

Hey Brian,

It has been awesome reading the Blog. I miss you guys so much. Hopefully one of these days I can get down there and do some work. I know it will be good for me.

Anyway be Blessed

Anonymous said...


Thanks for writing and thanks for thinking of us. We hope you can come down too. God bless you brother.


Anonymous said...

hola brayan q bueno saber q la obra del señor esta creciendo haya en ica boy a estar orando por las persona de haya aludas a todos los chicos de la iglesia de mi parte gustavo