Saturday, November 03, 2007

La Tinguiña y Santa Rosa. La Tinguña and Santa Rosa

Las niñas de La Tinguiña con Luz. Luz es una chica de California que ha venido para apoyar al ministerio en Cañete por unas semanas. Solo hay niñas en la foto porque los varoncitos ya se hanbían ido.

The girls that live in La Tinguiña with Luz. Luz is a young lady from California that has come to help with the ministry in Cañete for a few weeks. There are only girls in the picture because the boys had already left.

Luz explicó las buenas nuevas con el apoyo de Kristel. Kristel es de Koinonia Cañete. Jimmy fue nuestro líder de Alabanza. Pudo viajar con nosotros desde Koinonia Surco porque tenía un día libre de su trabajo. Las dos iglesias de Koinonia están trabajando juntas para poder realizar este nuevo ministerio en Ica.

Luz explained the good news with Kristel's help. Kristel is from Koinonia Cañete. Jimmy was our worship leader. He was able to travel from Koinonia Surco with us because he had a day off from his job. The two Koinoina churches are working together to make this new ministry in Ica a reality.

Fuimos a Ica ayer porque estamos comenzando a ministrar a la gente. Ya tenemos unos amigos en Ica que han orado por una iglesia de Koinonia en su ciudad hace años. Oren por los van a estar viajando a Ica cada viernes y por los que van a escuchar la palabra de Dios. Queremos hacer discípulos allí.

Estamos haciendo un estudio bíblico breve en la calle. Es más que todo un alcance evangelístico. Ayer ministramos a los niños y tomamos unas fotos de los que se quedaron hasta el final. El barrio se llama La Tinguiña.

Después de terminar en La Tinguiña fuimos a otro barrio que se llama Santa Rosa. Hicimos un estudio bíblico para la gente en una casa que una familia cristiana nos ha prestado. Viven allí y quieren brindar su casa para que podamos fundar una iglesia. No tomé una foto del grupo allí porque me olvidé. Será para la próxima vez.

We went to Ica yesterday because we're starting a new ministry there. Pray for the people that will be travelling to Ica each Friday and pray for the people of Ica that will be hearing the word of God. There is a small group of people that have been praying for a Koinonia church in Ica for several years now. We want to make disciples in Ica!

At this time we're doing a Bible study in the street in the afternoon. It's really an evangelistic outreach. We ministered to the children in the neighborhood yesterday and I took these pictures of the children that were there at the very end. The neighborhood is called La Tinguiña.

After finishing in La Tinguiña we went to another neighborhood callled Santa Rosa. We did a Bible study in a house that a family is letting us use there. They live there and want to help us start a church in their home for the time being. I didn't take a picture of the group there because I forgot. It will have to be for the next time.

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