Fuimos al distrito de Yauyos ayer porque escuchamos de los problemas que están enfrentando los pueblos allí por causa del terremoto. Algunos pueblos de Yauyos están bien lejos y muy aislados. Por eso no llega el apoyo necesario. Definitivamente Dios nos guió a un pueblo bien aislado. Es difícil llegar hasta allí. El pueblo se llama Cusi. Fue un viaje bien difícil, largo y un poco peligroso. Experimentamos sentiemientos de frustración y gozo y necesitabamos ejercer la fe en el Señor en varias oportunidades. Al final terminamos ministrando, pero siendo ministrados más por el Señor. Quiero animarlos a ver las fotos en el blog de Pastor Jaime de Cañete http://koinonia-canete.blogspot.com/ y de Robin y Tracy http://trshelley.blogspot.com/ . Son fotos del viaje y algunas son muy buenas.
Mi corazon se conmueve cuando veo la necesidad espiritual del pueblo. Aquí pongo unas cuantas fotos también.
We went to the district of Yauyos yesterday because we heard that the people were having problems due to the earthquake. Some of the villages of Yauyos are really far away and isolated. For that reason, they don't receive much help. We were definitely lead of the Lord in this trip. He lead us to a place that's hard to get to. The village is called Cusi. It was a long, difficult and dangerous trip. We experienced frustration and joy and we really needed to exercise our faith in the Lord at various times. In the end we ministered to the people but we were ministered to much more. I want to encourage you to take a look at some of the pictures of our trip. You can see them on Pastor Jaime's blog at Iglesia Cristiana Koinonia Cañete http://koinonia-canete.blogspot.com/and at Robin and Tracy's blog too.http://trshelley.blogspot.com/
My heart has really been moved again by the spiritual need of the peruvian people. I'm putting a few pictures here as well.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
El Pueblo de Cusi. The Village of Cusi.
Friday, August 24, 2007
¿Que Pasa? ¿Puedo Colaborar? What´s Happening? Can I Help?
El grupo que está en Ica ha llamado por teléfono para avisarnos acerca de la situación. Dicen que hay bastante necesidad y que están apoyando en lo que se puede. Un grupo de 5 hombres de California ha viajado hasta Ica también. Estan repartiendo lo que ha sido donado. Queremos seguir apoyando a la gente de Ica en el futuro. Obviamente estamos hablando de una necesidad muy grande que va a durar largo tiempo. Pienso que es una buena oportunidad porque al ministrar a la gente en una manera práctica podemos demostrar el amor de Dios y predicar la palabra a la vez.
El lunes tenemos planeado ir a Yauyos para ver si podemos hacer algo allí también. Yauyos está en la sierra de Cañete y ha sido afectado por el terremoto.
Oren por nosotros y los de Cañete también. Jaime estuvo en la Iglesia anoche y compartió con nosotros acerca de lo que están haciendo y como el Señor está bendeciendo a ellos en medio de tanto trabajo y confusión.
Si estás interesado en apoyarnos y vives en Lima, recibimos donaciones de ropa, agua, frazadas, víveres, Biblias, etc. en Koinonia Surco. Traigan la ropa en bolsitas con las tallas y el sexo anotado en la bolsa para poder repartirlo mejor.
Si vives en los Estados Unidos y quieres apoyarnos podrías considerar hacer un viaje misionero aquí para apoyar en la reconstrucción de casas o podrías enviar dinero a:
Calvary Chapel Missions
P.O. Box 19-0708
Miami Beach Florida
Sole tienes que escribir el cheque al nombre de Calvary Chapel Missions y escribir una notita diciendo que el dinero es para apoyar con los damnificados del terremoto. Les pido no poner ninguna notita en el cheque mismo. Gracias.
The group that´s in Ica has called to tell us that they´re okay but there is a tremendous need there. They´ve been giving out food, blankets, clothing and other things to the people. 5 men arrived from California to help as well and they´ve been serving in Ica as well giving out what has been donated. We want to continue to help the people of Ica in the future. We´re seeing that there will be a huge need there for a long time to come yet. I feel that this is a great opportunity to minister to the people in a very practical way and to be able to preach the gospel as well.
God willing we´ll be going to Yauyos on Monday. It´s an area that has been hit hard by the earthquake. It´s in the mountains of Cañete. We hope to be able to help out there as well.
Pray for us and for Cañete too. Jaime was here at the church last night sharing about what he and the people at the church in Cañete have been doing. God is really allowing them to minister in great ways as the work in the midst of so much confusion around them.
If you live in Lima and are interested in helping, you can bring food, blankets, water and other things to Koinonia and we´ll make sure that it get´s to where it needs to go. The clothing should be brought in small bags with the size and sex clearly marked on it so that we can deliver it more effectively.
If you live in the U.S. and would like to send a financial donation, please send it to:
Calvary Chapel Missions
P.O. Box 19-0708
Miami Beach Florida
Write the check out to Calvary Chapel Missions and send a note in the envelope stating that it´s to be used for earthquake relief. Don´t write anything else on the check. Thanks.
El lunes tenemos planeado ir a Yauyos para ver si podemos hacer algo allí también. Yauyos está en la sierra de Cañete y ha sido afectado por el terremoto.
Oren por nosotros y los de Cañete también. Jaime estuvo en la Iglesia anoche y compartió con nosotros acerca de lo que están haciendo y como el Señor está bendeciendo a ellos en medio de tanto trabajo y confusión.
Si estás interesado en apoyarnos y vives en Lima, recibimos donaciones de ropa, agua, frazadas, víveres, Biblias, etc. en Koinonia Surco. Traigan la ropa en bolsitas con las tallas y el sexo anotado en la bolsa para poder repartirlo mejor.
Si vives en los Estados Unidos y quieres apoyarnos podrías considerar hacer un viaje misionero aquí para apoyar en la reconstrucción de casas o podrías enviar dinero a:
Calvary Chapel Missions
P.O. Box 19-0708
Miami Beach Florida
Sole tienes que escribir el cheque al nombre de Calvary Chapel Missions y escribir una notita diciendo que el dinero es para apoyar con los damnificados del terremoto. Les pido no poner ninguna notita en el cheque mismo. Gracias.
The group that´s in Ica has called to tell us that they´re okay but there is a tremendous need there. They´ve been giving out food, blankets, clothing and other things to the people. 5 men arrived from California to help as well and they´ve been serving in Ica as well giving out what has been donated. We want to continue to help the people of Ica in the future. We´re seeing that there will be a huge need there for a long time to come yet. I feel that this is a great opportunity to minister to the people in a very practical way and to be able to preach the gospel as well.
God willing we´ll be going to Yauyos on Monday. It´s an area that has been hit hard by the earthquake. It´s in the mountains of Cañete. We hope to be able to help out there as well.
Pray for us and for Cañete too. Jaime was here at the church last night sharing about what he and the people at the church in Cañete have been doing. God is really allowing them to minister in great ways as the work in the midst of so much confusion around them.
If you live in Lima and are interested in helping, you can bring food, blankets, water and other things to Koinonia and we´ll make sure that it get´s to where it needs to go. The clothing should be brought in small bags with the size and sex clearly marked on it so that we can deliver it more effectively.
If you live in the U.S. and would like to send a financial donation, please send it to:
Calvary Chapel Missions
P.O. Box 19-0708
Miami Beach Florida
Write the check out to Calvary Chapel Missions and send a note in the envelope stating that it´s to be used for earthquake relief. Don´t write anything else on the check. Thanks.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
¿Que Está Pasando? What's Happening?
Esta mañana enviamos víveres, ropa, frazadas y otras cosas a Cañete con un grupo de peruanos y estadounidenses. Gracias a todos los que están colaborando. Un grupo de Koinonia salió esta mañana también rumbo a Ica donde hay más problemas por el terremoto. Oren por su seguridad porque hemos escuchado de violencia y robos en la carretera o otros lugares. Más de 100 presos se escaparon del penal en el terremoto y están haciendo problemas como se pueden imaginar. Oren por Americo, José, Angie y los de Ica que estarán apoyando a repartir todo allá.
Si Dios permite estaremos ministrando en la sierra de Cañete donde hay mucha necesidad y no hay mucho apoyo todavía.
We sent food stuffs, clothing, blankets and other items to Cañete with a group of peruvians and people from the United States. Thanks to everyone that is participating. A group from Koinonia left this morning to go to Ica as well. There is more damage in Ica than in Cañete due to the earthquakes severity. Pray for the group that left for Ica this morning because we have heard that there has been some violence and theft along the highway. More than 100 prisoners escaped from the prison during the earthquake and they're causing problems as you can imagine. Pray for Americo, José, Angie and the people from Ica that will be helping us distribute the necessary items there.
Lord willing, we will be going to the mountains of Cañete next week to help out there as well because we have heard that the help is not getting to those isolated areas yet.
Si Dios permite estaremos ministrando en la sierra de Cañete donde hay mucha necesidad y no hay mucho apoyo todavía.
We sent food stuffs, clothing, blankets and other items to Cañete with a group of peruvians and people from the United States. Thanks to everyone that is participating. A group from Koinonia left this morning to go to Ica as well. There is more damage in Ica than in Cañete due to the earthquakes severity. Pray for the group that left for Ica this morning because we have heard that there has been some violence and theft along the highway. More than 100 prisoners escaped from the prison during the earthquake and they're causing problems as you can imagine. Pray for Americo, José, Angie and the people from Ica that will be helping us distribute the necessary items there.
Lord willing, we will be going to the mountains of Cañete next week to help out there as well because we have heard that the help is not getting to those isolated areas yet.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Apoyando en Cañete e Ica. Helping in Cañete and Ica
Muchas gracias a todos los que han escrito mensajes preguntando por nosotros y la situación. Pastor Jaime está trabajando duro en Cañete todos los días con gente cristiana de varias iglesias. Están entregando víveres, linternas, ropa y apoyando a la gente en cualquier forma posible. Mañana estaremos enviando un grupo de personas a Ica también porque hay más necesidad allí todavía. Como cristianos, queremos aprovechar del momento para compartir el amor de Dios con la gente.
Many thanks to everyone that has written messages asking about us and the situation. Pastor Jaime is working hard these days. There are many christians from various churches that are going to Cañete to help out. They're giving out food, flashlights and clothing and are helping the people in any way that they can. We'll be sending a team to Ica tomorrow as well because there is even more need there. As Christians, we want to take advantage of this time to share the love of Jesus with the people.
Many thanks to everyone that has written messages asking about us and the situation. Pastor Jaime is working hard these days. There are many christians from various churches that are going to Cañete to help out. They're giving out food, flashlights and clothing and are helping the people in any way that they can. We'll be sending a team to Ica tomorrow as well because there is even more need there. As Christians, we want to take advantage of this time to share the love of Jesus with the people.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Los Terremotos. The Earthquakes
Ya saben que hemos pasado por unos momentos interesantes por los dos terremotos anoche. Gracias a Dios todos están bien. Hay un grupo de Florida que estaba en Cañete cuando pasó todo. Llegaron aquí a Lima con bien aunque no han podido sacar todas sus cosas de la casa de Pastor Jaime porque está inestable. Pastor Jaime y otros estaremos viendo el daño de su casa y las casas de los hermanos de la iglesia hoy. Vamos a llevar víveres, frazadas y ropa. Mas tarde pondré más información y unas fotos si Dios permite. Oren por la gente que ha sida afectada. Gracias.
Well you already know that we've had some interesting moments due to the 2 earthquakes last night. Praise the Lord everyone is okay. There is a group from Florida that was in Cañete last night when everything happened. They got to Lima okay although they weren't able to get everything out of Pastor Jaime's house. It's very unstable. Pastor Jaime, myself and others will be going to see the damage done to the houses of the people in the church and to evaluate what we can do to help. We'll be bringing food, blankets and clothing. God willing, I'll put more information and some pictures here later. Pray the people that have been affected. Thanks
Well you already know that we've had some interesting moments due to the 2 earthquakes last night. Praise the Lord everyone is okay. There is a group from Florida that was in Cañete last night when everything happened. They got to Lima okay although they weren't able to get everything out of Pastor Jaime's house. It's very unstable. Pastor Jaime, myself and others will be going to see the damage done to the houses of the people in the church and to evaluate what we can do to help. We'll be bringing food, blankets and clothing. God willing, I'll put more information and some pictures here later. Pray the people that have been affected. Thanks
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Calvary Chapel En La Ciudad. Calvary Chapel in the City

Anoche llegó un grupo de Calvary Chapel in the City, Boston (Calvary Chapel En La Ciudad). Las damas fueron a Cañete esta mañana y van a ministrar allí hasta mañana en la noche. Los hombres fueron a hacer construcción en Puente Piedra. Van a hacer alcances evangelísticos en este fin de semana también. El viernes comienza la clase de teología de nuevo. Esta vez vamos a estudiar acerca de Jesucristo. Pastor Esteban de Boston estará enseñando la primera clase.
A group from Calvary Chapel in the city Boston arrived last night. The women went to Cañete this morning and will be ministering there until tomorrow night. The men went to Puente Piedra where they will be doing construction for several days. This weekend they will be doing outreaches as well. Friday night we will be starting our theology classes again and the topic is Jesus Christ. Pastor Steve from Boston will be teaching this week.
A group from Calvary Chapel in the city Boston arrived last night. The women went to Cañete this morning and will be ministering there until tomorrow night. The men went to Puente Piedra where they will be doing construction for several days. This weekend they will be doing outreaches as well. Friday night we will be starting our theology classes again and the topic is Jesus Christ. Pastor Steve from Boston will be teaching this week.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Los Chicos. Kids
Es muy raro que las necesidades de los chicos lleguen en el momento oportuno. Lo que requieren para alcanzar el éxito rara vez se consigue sin ningún costo. Criarlos bien requiere hacer diariamente muchos sacrificios, los cuales tienen un maravilloso efecto espiritual, pues ayudan a moldearnos en el propio carácter de Jesucristo. Dios nos invita a crecer más allá de nosotros mismos, a dejar de actuar como si nuestros sueños nada más comenzaran y terminaran en nosotros. Una vez que tenemos hijos ya no podemos actuar ni soñar como si ellos no existieran.
Gary Thomas
"Kids' needs are rarely 'convenient.' What they require in order to succeed rarely comes cheaply. To raise them well will require daily sacrifice of many kinds, which has the wonderful spiritual effect of helping mold us into the character of Jesus Christ himself. God invites us to grow beyond ourselves and to stop acting as though our dreams begin and end with us. Once we have children, we cannot act and dream as though we had remained childless."
Gary Thomas
Gary Thomas
"Kids' needs are rarely 'convenient.' What they require in order to succeed rarely comes cheaply. To raise them well will require daily sacrifice of many kinds, which has the wonderful spiritual effect of helping mold us into the character of Jesus Christ himself. God invites us to grow beyond ourselves and to stop acting as though our dreams begin and end with us. Once we have children, we cannot act and dream as though we had remained childless."
Gary Thomas
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Una Familia Entera. A Whole Family
“Hermanos, ya sabéis que la familia de Estéfanas es las primicias de Acaya, y que ellos se han dedicado al servicio de los santos”.
1 Corintios 16:15
Anoche leímos 1 Corintios 16 en nuestro devocional familiar y hablé con mis hijos sobre lo importante de tener una familia entera ministrando a los santos y de la bendición que ello supone. Los animé a permanecer alerta en torno a lo que el Espíritu Santo quiere hacer en sus vidas. Me encanta saber que ellos ya han visto obrar a Dios en sus vidas y a través de ellas cuando buscan glorificar Su nombre, en Su iglesia. Luego pasamos un lindo momento de oración. Ellos oraron por su abuelo, por los otros niños de la escuela dominical que a veces se portan mal, por el grupo de los Estados Unidos que está de visita y por otras cosas más. Terminaron la oración pidiéndole a Dios que su papá pudiera enseñar la Biblia en muchos lugares del Perú donde la gente necesita de la Palabra de Dios. Resulté muy bendecido. Oro para que Dios levante en este y otros países muchas familias más que ministren juntas. Nos equivocamos si pensamos que nuestros hijos deben esperar a ser adultos antes de ser usados por Dios.
“I urge you, brethren—you know the household of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have devoted themselves to the ministry of the saints— “
1 Corinthians 16:15
We read 1 Corinthians 16 last night for our family devotional and I spoke to our children about the blessing and importance there is in having a whole family ministering to the saints. I encouraged our children to be open to the leading of God’s Spirit in their lives. I love the fact that they have already seen God working in and through them as they seek to glorify His name in His church. Afterward we had a nice prayer time. They prayed for their grandfather, the children in Sunday School that don’t always behave very well, the group that’s visiting from the States and other things, and they finished their prayer asking the Lord to help their dad to teach the Bible in many places in Peru where the people need God’s word. I was so blessed. I pray that God will encourage families here in Peru and throughout the world to minister together. We’re mistaken if we think that our children have be adults before they can be used of God.
[1]The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.
1 Corintios 16:15
Anoche leímos 1 Corintios 16 en nuestro devocional familiar y hablé con mis hijos sobre lo importante de tener una familia entera ministrando a los santos y de la bendición que ello supone. Los animé a permanecer alerta en torno a lo que el Espíritu Santo quiere hacer en sus vidas. Me encanta saber que ellos ya han visto obrar a Dios en sus vidas y a través de ellas cuando buscan glorificar Su nombre, en Su iglesia. Luego pasamos un lindo momento de oración. Ellos oraron por su abuelo, por los otros niños de la escuela dominical que a veces se portan mal, por el grupo de los Estados Unidos que está de visita y por otras cosas más. Terminaron la oración pidiéndole a Dios que su papá pudiera enseñar la Biblia en muchos lugares del Perú donde la gente necesita de la Palabra de Dios. Resulté muy bendecido. Oro para que Dios levante en este y otros países muchas familias más que ministren juntas. Nos equivocamos si pensamos que nuestros hijos deben esperar a ser adultos antes de ser usados por Dios.
“I urge you, brethren—you know the household of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have devoted themselves to the ministry of the saints— “
1 Corinthians 16:15
We read 1 Corinthians 16 last night for our family devotional and I spoke to our children about the blessing and importance there is in having a whole family ministering to the saints. I encouraged our children to be open to the leading of God’s Spirit in their lives. I love the fact that they have already seen God working in and through them as they seek to glorify His name in His church. Afterward we had a nice prayer time. They prayed for their grandfather, the children in Sunday School that don’t always behave very well, the group that’s visiting from the States and other things, and they finished their prayer asking the Lord to help their dad to teach the Bible in many places in Peru where the people need God’s word. I was so blessed. I pray that God will encourage families here in Peru and throughout the world to minister together. We’re mistaken if we think that our children have be adults before they can be used of God.
[1]The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.
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