Aquí pueden ver el video de invitación a la Escuela Bíblica de Verrano en Santa Rosa de Villa comenzando la primera semana de Enero 2010. Oren por nosotros.
You can see our video inviting the people of Santa Rosa de Villa to Vacation Bible School starting the first week of January 2010. Pray for us.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Bienvenidos a Koinonia. Welcome to Koinonia.
Cultos. Services
Nosotros queremos invitarte a venir y aprender, disfrutar y crecer en la fe Cristiana. Tal vez nunca has visitado a una iglesia cristiana. Si es así te aseguramos que te vamos a hacer sentir una calorosa bienvenida. Nuestros cultos son muy simples. Alabamos al Señor y estudiamos Su palabra juntos. La meta es glorificar a Dios con nuestras vidas y amar a todos.
Aquí verás los horarios de los estudios bíblicos y cultos de Koinonia Surco.
Nuestra dirección En Lima: Calle Cerro Azul 165San Ignacio de LoyolaMonterrico, Surco Lima.
Estamos al final de la avenida Benavides pasando el puente de la panamericana sur. Para mayor información llamar al 223-6184.
Para información sobre la Iglesia Koinonia de Cañete comunícate por teléfono al 011-511-5813415
10:00 a.m.
Culto general en Surco. Estamos estudiando el libro de Romanos y alabando al Señor.
12:15 p.m. Almuerzo de Koinonia Surco. Costo entre 5-7 soles dependiendo del plato.
Santa Rosa de Villa
3:30 p.m. Estudio bíblico en Santa Rosa de Villa, Las Lomas de Carabayllo.
6:oo p.m. Estudio Bíblico en Cañete.
7:30 p.m. Surco
Estudio Bíblico para hombres.
8:30 a.m. Surco
Oración y desayuno para damas. Llamar para mayor información.
7:30 p.m. Oración general para toda la iglesia en Surco
7:30 p.m. Oración general para toda la iglesia en Cañete
2:30 p.m. Club de Niños.
7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Adultos.
7:00 p.m. Clases de Inglés.
4:30. Estudio Bíblico en “Los Pollitos” barrio de Ica.
7:30 p.m. Estudio bíblico en Ica.
7:45 p.m. Estudio bíblico de media semana para adultos.
7:00 p.m. Clases de Inglés
3:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Ensayo de Mimos
Hi Everyone, Listed above is our weekly schedule. If you need more information you can call us at 011-511-223-6184.
Nosotros queremos invitarte a venir y aprender, disfrutar y crecer en la fe Cristiana. Tal vez nunca has visitado a una iglesia cristiana. Si es así te aseguramos que te vamos a hacer sentir una calorosa bienvenida. Nuestros cultos son muy simples. Alabamos al Señor y estudiamos Su palabra juntos. La meta es glorificar a Dios con nuestras vidas y amar a todos.
Aquí verás los horarios de los estudios bíblicos y cultos de Koinonia Surco.
Nuestra dirección En Lima: Calle Cerro Azul 165San Ignacio de LoyolaMonterrico, Surco Lima.
Estamos al final de la avenida Benavides pasando el puente de la panamericana sur. Para mayor información llamar al 223-6184.
Para información sobre la Iglesia Koinonia de Cañete comunícate por teléfono al 011-511-5813415
Para información sobre la Iglesia Koinonia de Ica llamar al 993213926 o al 999604072.
10:00 a.m.
Culto general en Surco. Estamos estudiando el libro de Romanos y alabando al Señor.
12:15 p.m. Almuerzo de Koinonia Surco. Costo entre 5-7 soles dependiendo del plato.
Santa Rosa de Villa
3:30 p.m. Estudio bíblico en Santa Rosa de Villa, Las Lomas de Carabayllo.
6:oo p.m. Estudio Bíblico en Cañete.
7:30 p.m. Surco
Estudio Bíblico para hombres.
8:30 a.m. Surco
Oración y desayuno para damas. Llamar para mayor información.
7:30 p.m. Oración general para toda la iglesia en Surco
7:30 p.m. Oración general para toda la iglesia en Cañete
2:30 p.m. Club de Niños.
7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Adultos.
7:00 p.m. Clases de Inglés.
4:30. Estudio Bíblico en “Los Pollitos” barrio de Ica.
7:30 p.m. Estudio bíblico en Ica.
7:45 p.m. Estudio bíblico de media semana para adultos.
7:00 p.m. Clases de Inglés
3:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Ensayo de Mimos
Hi Everyone, Listed above is our weekly schedule. If you need more information you can call us at 011-511-223-6184.
Kati está en Iquitos. Kati is in Iquitos.
Como algunos de ustedes ya saben nuestra hermana Kati está en Iquitos. Salió de Lima el sábado por la mañana a llegó a Iguitos el mismo día. Estará ministrando con JUCUM por unos seis meses. Queremos orar por ella hoy día y todos los días. Va a ser un tiempo de aprendizaje y ministerio. Para nosotros es un gran privilegio poder participar en la obra misionera enviando a Kati.
As some of you already know our sister Kati is in Iquitos. She left Lima on Saturday morning and arrived in Iquitos the same day. She'll be ministering with YWAM for six months. We want to pray for her today and everyday. It will be a great time of learning and ministry for her. For us it's a great privilege to be able to participate the missionary work by sending Kati to the field.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ministerio Especial y Retiro en Cañete. Special Ministry and Retreat in Cañete.
Aquí estamos yendo al ministerio en Cañete. Todos están bien uniformados con sus polos verdes. La mayoria están usando los nuevos polos de Koinonia Surco.
Here we are on our way to the ministry in Cañete. Everyone has their green t-shirt on. Most of them are wearing the new Koinonia Surco t-shirts.

Here we are on our way to the ministry in Cañete. Everyone has their green t-shirt on. Most of them are wearing the new Koinonia Surco t-shirts.

El miércoles y jueves hicimos un ministerio especial en Cañete. Fuimos a ministrar a los niños de Cañete el miércoles en la tarde. Luego fuimos a una casa de playa que nos ha prestado un amigo para hacer un mini retiro con 14 chicos de Cañete y Surco. Pasamos un tiempo lindo pero la verdad es que el miércoles hacía tanto calor en Cañete que yo estaba con ganas de echarme al lado de este perro y tomar una siesta.
This past Wednesday and Thursday we did some special ministry in Cañete. We went to minister to the children on Wednesday afternoon. After that we went to a house on the beach that a friend let us use. We did a mini retreat there with 14 children from Cañete and Surco. We had a nice time but the truth is that it was so hot in Cañete Wednesday that I wanted to lay down next to this dog and take a siesta.
Ministrando a los Niños de Cañete. Ministering to the Children of Cañete.

Los niños que ministraron tienen entre 9 al 14 años y la profesora fue Estefany. Ella tiene 15 años. Hicieron la alabanza, títeres, un drama de la vida de José e enseñaron la palabra. Bien hecho chicos.
Here in Koinonia we don´t believe that the children are the future of the church. The children are the church already. In fact, they´re a very important part. We want to minister to them in an effective way but we also want them to minister for Christ as children. We want them to know in a practical way that they don´t have to wait until they are already grown up to minister. This past Wednesday the children from Koinonia Surco went to minister to the children of Cañete.
The children that ministered are between 9 and 14 years old and the teacher was Estefany. She´s 15. They did the worship, puppets, a drama about the life of Joseph and taught the Bible. Well done kids.
Fotos de los Terremotos (Chicos). Photos of the Earthquakes (Kids).

Mayormente los chicos se portan muy bien. Claro que algunos son terremotos pero eso esperamos. Creo que sería bueno tomar un poco de tiempo para orar por cada uno.
For the most part the kids behaved pretty well. Some of them are real earthquakes like we say here in Peru but we expected that. I think it would be good to take some time and pray for each one of them.
Oni, Jaime, Angie y Jaqui.

Oni was present helping with a lot of things. Jaime taught the word of God and I did too. If you look below you'll see what Angie and Jaqui did. Really we all helped to maintain order.
La Comida... Riquisima. The Food... Great.
Fuimos a la Playa. We went to the Beach.

Yes, we studied the Bible but we went to the beach too. The water was great. It wasn't too cold or too hot. The time we spent there was too short. We'll stay longer next time. The nature that God has given us to enjoy is great.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Viaje Misionero a Ica. Missions Trip to Ica.
Yesterday and today we´re doing a missions trip to the city of Ica. Ica is a city that is located about 4 hours to the south of Lima. Ica is located in the coastal region but is part of the desert. It´s known for it´s agriculture and is a religious area also known for witchcraft. We have a Bible study here already and God willing, Robin and Tracy will be living here soon so that the people can be ministered to on a more constant basis. Foto: The Main Plaza of Ica.
Bien Uniformados. Ready with our Uniforms.
This time we decided to use some of the money we raised through the sale of chocotejas, marcianos, etc. to buy t-shirts with the church name on them. We´ve had some confusion in the past because people from some cults have gone in while we were preaching and made people think that they were part of our group. That way they have tried to trick the people. The t-shirts let the public know who we are. Modeling the t-shirts are from left to right: Jaqui, Angie and Oninxha. Jaqui is always thinking, Angie always ignores me and Oninxha always takes pictures. (just kidding).
Alistándonos. Getting Ready.
When we got to Ica we met up with Robin, Americo and Aaron. They were already there getting everything ready and participating in the Bible study the night before. We went to the hotel and after that went to eat lunch. Ms. Lucha and Rocio had lunch ready for us. We ate dry soup and carapulcra. It was delicious. Thanks so much. After lunch it was time to put some make up on, (not everone) and go to the plaza. In the pictures: Robin, the food, Ariana and Marco.
Compartiendo la Palabra. Sharing the Word.
We use various methods to share the word of God. You can see a little bit of what we do here. Sometimes we share the word in a simple way. Sometimes we use music, puppets, mimes, tracks and other things. In the pictures (en order from top): Ariana, Kristel, Marco, preparing the puppet stage, Kati, Jimmy, Carmen, Pilar and Kristel.
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