Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bien Uniformados. Ready with our Uniforms.

Esta vez decidimos usar un poco de la plata que levantamos con la venta de chocotejas, marcianos, etc. para comprar polos con el nombre de nuestra iglesia. En el pasado hemos tenido algunas personas de unas sectas que han entrado cuando estábamos predicando y han querido pasar por ser parte de nuestro grupo. Así han querido engañar a la gente. Los polos indican quienes realmente forman parte y quienes no. Aquí modelando los polos son (de izquiedo y derecho), Jaqui, Angie y Oninxha. Jaqui siempre está pensando, Angie me ignora siempre y Oninxha siempre toma fotos. (estoy bromiando).

This time we decided to use some of the money we raised through the sale of chocotejas, marcianos, etc. to buy t-shirts with the church name on them. We´ve had some confusion in the past because people from some cults have gone in while we were preaching and made people think that they were part of our group. That way they have tried to trick the people. The t-shirts let the public know who we are. Modeling the t-shirts are from left to right: Jaqui, Angie and Oninxha. Jaqui is always thinking, Angie always ignores me and Oninxha always takes pictures. (just kidding).

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