Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ministerio Especial y Retiro en Cañete. Special Ministry and Retreat in Cañete.

Aquí estamos yendo al ministerio en Cañete. Todos están bien uniformados con sus polos verdes. La mayoria están usando los nuevos polos de Koinonia Surco.

Here we are on our way to the ministry in Cañete. Everyone has their green t-shirt on. Most of them are wearing the new Koinonia Surco t-shirts.

El miércoles y jueves hicimos un ministerio especial en Cañete. Fuimos a ministrar a los niños de Cañete el miércoles en la tarde. Luego fuimos a una casa de playa que nos ha prestado un amigo para hacer un mini retiro con 14 chicos de Cañete y Surco. Pasamos un tiempo lindo pero la verdad es que el miércoles hacía tanto calor en Cañete que yo estaba con ganas de echarme al lado de este perro y tomar una siesta.

This past Wednesday and Thursday we did some special ministry in Cañete. We went to minister to the children on Wednesday afternoon. After that we went to a house on the beach that a friend let us use. We did a mini retreat there with 14 children from Cañete and Surco. We had a nice time but the truth is that it was so hot in Cañete Wednesday that I wanted to lay down next to this dog and take a siesta.


Michael E. said...

Brian, you and your characteristic sense of humor.

Fernanda Cunha said...

Hi, beloved brothers in Christ. Today I was searching for evangelical churches in Peru, more especifically at Surco, then I arrived in your site. I watched the video and I'm very happy for your lives and I'm also so in love with the peruvians! I really want to go to Peru, at least to know it, and I would be very happy to know all you guys and also your beautiful and blessed work, and, who knows, work with you?. So, I hope you can answer to me! Thanks for the attention and GOD BLESS YOU GREATFULLY!!! A hug from Brasil!
