Thursday, September 20, 2007

La Despedida de Angie. The Going Away Party

Anoche hicimos la despedida de Angie en la iglesia. No esperamos un viaje tan rápido y por eso no todos han podido llegar. Si no te avisamos, no ha sido por falta de querer, sino simplemente porque no hubo tiempo. Angie nos avisó a las 4 de la tarde ayer que iba a viajar hoy día en la tarde. Bueno, comimos, oramos, lloramos y cantamos. Al final nos despedimos oficialmente de Angie por un tiempo. Por si acaso, estaremos en el aeropuerto Jorge Chavez esta tarde a la 1:45 p.m. con Angie si te gustaría ir.
Estamos muy contentos por lo que Dios va a enseñarle a Angie en su tiempo en Alemania y Mumbai India. Oren por ella.
We said good bye to Angie in the church last night. We didn´t expect her to travel so soon and for this reason, not everyone could make it to the meeting. If we didn´t let you know, it wasn´t because we didn´t want to. It was just for a lack of time. Angie let us know that she would be travelling today at about 4 in the afternoon yesterday. Well, we ate, we prayed, we cried and we sang. In the end, we said our official good byes to Angie for a time. By the way, we will be in the Jorge Chavez airport at about 1:45 this afternoon with Angie if you would like to go.
We´re very happy for what God will be teaching Angie while she´s in Germany and then in Mumbai India.

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