As you already know, we´re not the only christians in the world. We´re not even the only church thats called Koinonia. Here´s a photo of Calvary Chapel Koinonia Hannover Germany. They´re our brothers in the faith. It would be good to pray for them and other christians in other countries today. Through prayer we can minister to many different places while we stay in our own city. Below you will see why I put the photo from this church here.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Iglesia Calvary Chapel Koinonia Hanover Germany. Calvary Chapel Koinonia Hanover Germany
As you already know, we´re not the only christians in the world. We´re not even the only church thats called Koinonia. Here´s a photo of Calvary Chapel Koinonia Hannover Germany. They´re our brothers in the faith. It would be good to pray for them and other christians in other countries today. Through prayer we can minister to many different places while we stay in our own city. Below you will see why I put the photo from this church here.
Los Contactos de Angie. Angie's Contacts
En la de abajo están Timothy y su esposa Somali con Peter Will. Peter es pastor de Calvary Chapel Koinonia en Hannover. Angie me dice que Peter tiene el mismo corazón o por decir, la misma visión que tengo yo. Espero conocerlo un día. ¿Quién sabe? Lo interesante es que Peter pasó una buena parte de su juventud aquí en Lima como hijo de misioneros.... ¡y la iglesia se llama Koinonia también! Angie está hospedada en la casa de Pastor Peter estos días.
In the upper photo you can see Timothy and Marcus talking. Timothy is the leader of the ministry in Bombay India called Inter-Mission. Marcus Egger is the president of the organization. They had a meeting in Hannover Germany the last few days.
In the bottom photo are pictured Timothy with his wife Somali and Peter Will. Peter is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Koinonia in Hannover. Angie says that Peter has the same heart, the same vision that I have. I hope to meet him one day. Who knows? The interesting thing is that Peter spent quite a bit of his youth here in Lima as a missionary kid... And the church is called Koinonia too! Angie es staying with Peter and his wife these days there in Hannover.
La Conferencia de Inter-Mission. The Inter-Mission Conference
Here are some photos of the Inter-Mission conference. Angie attended this past weekend there in Hannover. It was a conference for the mission in India where Angie will be going to minister and learn. Angie´s in Germany right now as part of her training before leaving for India. Pray for Angie today. Pray for the ministry of Inter-Mission in Bombay too! God bless Angie y the mission!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Viaje a Cusi. Trip to Cusi
Pastor Jaime, Americo, Kervin y Robin están ministrando en Cusi hoy día. Van a ver cuales son las necesidades de la gente, como podemos apoyar y van a predicar la palabra de Dios. Cusi es un pueblito en la cierra de Yauyos que ha sido afectado mucho por el terremoto. Es más dificil ministrar allí porque es dificil llegar. No sabemos si van a regresar muy tarde esta noche o mañana. Oren por ellos por favor.
Pastor Jaime, Americo, Kervin and Robin are ministering in Cusi today. They're going to see what the needs of the people are, how we can help and they going to preach the word of God. Cusi is a small mountain village in the mountain area of Yauyos that was effected by the earthquake quite a bit. It's harder to minister there because it's an area that is difficult to get to. We don't know if the team will return late tonight or tommorrow. Pray for them.
Pastor Jaime, Americo, Kervin and Robin are ministering in Cusi today. They're going to see what the needs of the people are, how we can help and they going to preach the word of God. Cusi is a small mountain village in the mountain area of Yauyos that was effected by the earthquake quite a bit. It's harder to minister there because it's an area that is difficult to get to. We don't know if the team will return late tonight or tommorrow. Pray for them.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
La Despedida de Angie. The Going Away Party
Anoche hicimos la despedida de Angie en la iglesia. No esperamos un viaje tan rápido y por eso no todos han podido llegar. Si no te avisamos, no ha sido por falta de querer, sino simplemente porque no hubo tiempo. Angie nos avisó a las 4 de la tarde ayer que iba a viajar hoy día en la tarde. Bueno, comimos, oramos, lloramos y cantamos. Al final nos despedimos oficialmente de Angie por un tiempo. Por si acaso, estaremos en el aeropuerto Jorge Chavez esta tarde a la 1:45 p.m. con Angie si te gustaría ir.
Estamos muy contentos por lo que Dios va a enseñarle a Angie en su tiempo en Alemania y Mumbai India. Oren por ella.
We said good bye to Angie in the church last night. We didn´t expect her to travel so soon and for this reason, not everyone could make it to the meeting. If we didn´t let you know, it wasn´t because we didn´t want to. It was just for a lack of time. Angie let us know that she would be travelling today at about 4 in the afternoon yesterday. Well, we ate, we prayed, we cried and we sang. In the end, we said our official good byes to Angie for a time. By the way, we will be in the Jorge Chavez airport at about 1:45 this afternoon with Angie if you would like to go.
We´re very happy for what God will be teaching Angie while she´s in Germany and then in Mumbai India.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Angie al Campo Misionero. Angie to the Mission Field

Después de mucha oración nuestra hermana en la fe Angie se va al campo misionero. Va a Alemania primero por 2 semanas de entrenamiento y luego a Mumbai India donde estará ministrando con un grupo que se llama inter-mission.
Pensamos en hacer una reunión especial mañana para poder orar por ella y celebrar la santa cena con ella una vez más antes de su viaje pero las cosas han cambiado. Ahora se ha adelantado su viaje y se va mañana en la tarde. Para los interesados y los que pueden, vamos a hacer una reunión esta noche a las 8:30 p.m. Queremos orar por ella.
Estamos muy contentos y muy tristes a la vez. Sabemos que Cristo nos ha enviado a predicar la palabra de Dios hasta los confines de la tierra y sabemos que Dios ha puesto este viaje en el corazón de Angie. A la vez vamos a extrañarla y será muy dificil reemplazarla. No, será imposible reemplazarla solo tenemos que seguir adelante.
After a lot of prayer and preparation Angie, our sister in the Lord will be going to the mission field. She´ll be going to Germany first for two weeks of training and then to Mumbai India where she will be ministering with a group called inter-mission.
We were planning to do a special meeting for her tomorrow night. We wanted to pray for her and share communion with her one more time but plans have changed and now she´ll be leaving tommorrow afternoon. For those that are interested, we will be having a meeting tonight at 8:30. We want to pray for Angie.
We´re very happy and very sad at the same time. We know that Jesus told us to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth and we know that God has put this mission on Angie´s heart. At the same time we´re going to miss her so much and it will be hard to replace her. No, it will be impossible. We can´t replace Angie, we can only go forward while we miss her.
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