Sunday, March 09, 2008

Un Día Especial. A Special Day.

Hoy día se bautizaron once personas. Pasamos un tiempo lindo en la mañana alabando al Señor, estudiando Su palabra y escuchando los testimonios de los que iban a bautizarse. Después de la reunión fuimos a la piscina donde se bautizaron. Regresamos a la iglesia mas tarde para almorzar juntos. Pastor Tim de Calvary Chapel Pasco predicó la palabra y luego cocinó para todos. ¡Que tal chamba! Bien Hecho Pastor.
Eleven people were baptized in Koinonia today. We had a great time this morning as we worshipped the Lord, studied His word and heard the testimonies of the people that would be baptized later. After the meeting we went to the pool and had the baptism. After baptising the people we returned to the church for lunch. Pastor Tim from Calvary Chapel Pasco taught the word this morning and then cooked for everyone. What a job! Thanks Pastor Tim. You did great.

¡Yo Creo! I Believe!

Obedeciendo a Cristo. Obeying Christ.

Siempre Hay Comida. There´s Always Food

Mas Fotos del día. More photos of the day.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Agradecidos. Thankful

Estamos muy agradecidos al Señor por el grupo de Calvary Chapel Palm Harbor que ha venido esta semana. Estan haciendo construcción en Santa Rosa de Villa. Estan trabajando duros pero lo que me gusta mas del grupo es que siempre estan contentos y no hemos escuchado ninguna queja. El amor de Dios resplandece en sus rostros. Dios, Eres bueno. Nos humillas con tu bondad. No merecemos nada de ti, pero nos amas tanto. Gracias Señor y.... gracias al grupo.

We´re very thankful to the Lord for the group from Calvary Chapel Palm Harbor that has come this week. They´re doing construction in Santa Rosa de Villa. They´re working hard but what I really like about the group is that their always happy and we haven´t heard one complaint. The love of God shines on their faces. God, you´re so good. You humble us with you´re goodness. We don´t deserve anything from you but you love us so much. Thanks Lord... and thanks group.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Una Foto Nueva. A New Picture

Algunos de ustedes han pedido una foto nueva de la familia Vander Kodde. Aquí está. La tomamos después del culto esta mañana. Robin ha sido el fotógrafo. Gracias Robin. Oren por nosotros.

Some of you have asked for a new picture of the Vander Kodde Family. Here it is. We had it taken this morning after church. Pray for us. Robin was the photographer. Thanks Robin.