Sunday, July 02, 2006

Vendiendo Chocotejas Selling Chocotejas

Salimos a las calles ayer en la mañana. Fuimos a cumplir con una misión. La misión- vender chocotejas para la escuela de discípulado. Tengo que confesar que pensaba que no íbamos a vender ninguna a gente desconocida en la calle. Entre 3 hombres vendimos 83 chocotejas en 1 hora y media. Gloria a Dios. Ha sido tan bueno.

We hit the streets yesterday morning. We were on a mission to sell chocotejas for the Discipleship school. I have to confess that I didn’t think that we would sell any to people that we don’t know in the street. Between three men we sold 83 chocotejas en an hour and a half. Praise God. He has been so good.

1 comment:

Financial Support said...


Of course you can bring them back to the States. Take orders from the people there if you want.
I put the large text for you guys. Not for me!
I wanted to make sure that the advertising would work
