Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Se Mudan They're Moving

Mis amigos, Mark y Alice Robson estarán saliendo de los Estados Unidos el 22 de Agosto. Se mudan a Nairobi Kenya como misioneros. Oren por ellos en los meses que vienen. Mudarse de gringolandia a Kenya va a ser un cambio muy grande. Que Dios les bendiga Mark y Alice.

My friends Mark and Alice Robson are leaving the Unites Status on the 22 of August. They will be serving as missionaries in Nairobi Kenya. Pray for them in the coming months because moving from gringo land as we call it here in Peru to Kenya will be a big change. May God bless you Mark and Alice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.